Get in Touch
Finlinx Wealth offers a premium wealth management and investment service. We typically work with clients who are motivated and/or need assistance navigating through financial complexity.
Complaints and Feedback
If you wish to provide feedback, or have a problem, concern or complaint in connection with any service provided by Finlinx Wealth please contact us directly. We will in good faith try and resolve the matter. If an appropriate outcome cannot be achieved the matter will be referred to our Compliance Department.
If your complaint is not satisfactorily resolved within 30 working days, please put your complaint in writing. This will ensure that the issues are fully documented and understood by all parties. Your complaint should be addressed to The Compliance Manager, FYG Planners Pty Ltd, Level 1, 41 Mount Street, Burnie TAS 7320. We will try to resolve your complaint quickly and fairly.
If the complaint cannot be satisfied to your satisfaction, you have the right to complain to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). They can be contacted on 1800 931 678.