Our Clients

We provide comprehensive Strategic Financial Advice and ongoing wealth management solutions to a wide variety of clients in Australia.

Some typical clients and situations:

Individuals & Families

How do you meet your future goals and aspirations whilst ensuring you are doing what is best for you and your family. For many people it is difficult to convey exactly what they are seeking in life. This is where we can help by having discussions about what is important to you and developing strategies that seek to achieve your goals whatever they may be.

Young Professionals/Trades people

How do you get ahead and build wealth? You have worked hard to finish your qualification and are now embarking upon a career within your chosen profession. This is an important stage of life where it becomes beneficial to look to utilize surplus cash flows to provide a greater opportunity to ensure financial freedom moving into the future.

Empty Nesters

The mortgage is reducing, children are less dependent on you and you may be in a position to really boost your retirement savings. This stage of life is when you should really look to maximise wealth. You have freed yourself from a number of financial commitments whilst entering a period of higher income potential. We can help by assisting you to become financially prepared heading into retirement.


When can you retire? How much longer do I have to work? These are the questions that many have without knowing the answer. Understanding your needs in retirement such as cost of living, holidays and travel allows strategies to be put in place to allow you to know when you can retire.


You have worked hard to ensure financial freedom moving into retirement. This is a very important stage of life as it is now time to relax and enjoy your life by making sure all of the hard work has paid off. We are able to help you by offering tailor made strategies which aim to ensure that you get the most out of your retirement whilst understanding what your financial requirements are to maximise your experience moving into this stage of life.

Business Owners

For Business Owners setting up a solid foundation of wealth and mechanisms to protect that wealth is vital. We assist through strategic advice including areas of overall structures, tax minimization, investment/retirement planning and personal protection.

Discover what Finlinx Wealth can do for you

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